Dementia, Alzheimers, Parkinson’s..

There are many confusing, frustrating and anxiety provoking neuro-degenerative conditions that can come with age.

Where people are seen as individuals and not as a condition, psychological wellbeing can be maintained. Music and creative arts provide an accessible medium in which even in late stage dementia, people can have a voice. This is called a person-centred approach.

Music can stimulate, enthuse, encourage memories, aid self-prompting and generally help us reconnect on equal ground.

Please be aware the stories below are emotionally moving..

This is an excerpt from Alive Inside, a documentary about the Music and Memory. It is a clear example of how music stimulates the brain, enhancing communication abilities for many minutes and sometimes hours after listening.


creative expression in any form is generative. It helps make beauty, meaning and value where there might have been absolutely nothing before” - Gerontologist Anne Basting.

Helping families reconnect with loved ones who have dementia.



